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Music Sheets


O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

Psalm 95:1

fumct music

We provide music leadership for the 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services, special seasonal services, Children’s Musicals, and music mission opportunities. The Music Ministry offers a wonderful opportunity for small group fellowship and service within the worship life of the church. 

adult chancel choir

The Chancel Choir leads music for Traditions services at 9am and 11am., and also presents large-scale choral-orchestral works at special times during the year. Music in Traditions focuses supporting scripture readings through the presentation of exceptional choral music spanning all musical style periods, while traditional hymns keep us rooted in our faith via timeless melodies and biblical soundness. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 in the choir room (lower level, room 004). New members are always encouraged and welcome to join our community atmosphere. Contact Dr. Justin W. Durham ( for more information.


bridge music

The music played during The Bridge is contemporary, based in modern and current music. We stay relevant, but do not lose sight of the hymns and traditional music of the church.

chancel handbell choir

The Chancel Handbell Choir is open to college students and adult who have some music reading abilities. This ensemble provides music for Traditions worship services once a month and participates in seasonal worship services throughout the year. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7pm during the school year in the Handbell room (lower level 003). Contact Jerrod Newell ( for more information.

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praise band

Youth Worship Arts is a ministry that provides 7th-12th graders the opportunity to lead worship in both Traditions and the Bridge by singing, praying, and designing the altar and art for services. We are still growing this ministry to include more of our youth, and we want you to participate! If you are between 7th and 12th grade and you like to sing, play a musical instrument, have artistic talents, or would like to serve in worship, then Youth Worship Arts is for you!


Children’s Choir is open to all children in 3rd-6th grades. We rehearse on Wednesday nights in the choir room (lower level, room 004) from 5:30-6:00 PM and periodically lead worship by singing in both Traditions and Bridge services. Please contact Leah Durham at for more information.

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